
« From the table flow the wine,
All the candles flicker dull ,
Again I am then alone,
Again a party is over… »
After the party, Hermann Hesse

In a dark place, two people are sitting on a table like the time is frozen. Who are these two double ? Who is a man, who is a puppet ? Is the party already over ? Were there actually guests ? Will it stay so still ? Slowly a meeting is starting between the two character , between tenderness and battle, from confusion until amazement. Where will it go ?

In the piece Confetti, the public is invited to be very close. What happens after a party, when all the guests are gone and when you are suddenly alone with yourself ? At this moment, a lot of thoughts come to you. With the help of a real-size puppet, Emilien Truche is trying to show these internal process. Is the inside so overwhelming that it has an effect on the outside ?

The human-size puppet seems to have her own life and to follow her way. Does the puppeteer manipulate the puppet or vice-versa ? The piece Confetti is always in movement between act, feel, observe. The actor seems to be manipulate by the puppet . Where is the link between between the puppet and the puppeteer ? Who is manipulate whom ? Is the human being only the puppet of his own will ?

These piece was created in spring 2017 in the frame of a cooperation between the HMDK Stuttgart and the HEAR of Strasbourg.

Idee, constrution, play: Emilien TRUCHE
Scenography: Guillaume AUZÉPY
Music: Johannes SCHROPP
Artistic counseling : Prof Stephanie RINKE

Production: HMDK (Stuttgart) , HEAR (Strasbourg), Ville et Eurométropole de Strasbourg (direction des affaires européennes et internationales)

Length: 15 min

Premiere : 21st july 2017 , during the festival Die-Wo-Spielen, STUTTGART (D)
30th october 2017 – FITZ/Theater Rampe, STUTTGART (D)
9th and 10th february, Festival Expedition,Westflügel LEIPZIG (D)
9th march – Figurentheaterfestival , WELS (A)
19th march 2018 – Festival Les Giboulees, STRASBOURG (F)
9th may 2018 – Festival Homunculus , HOHENEMS (A)
17th may 2018 – Festival FIDENA , BOCHUM (D)
between the 30th mai and the 2th june 2018 – ACT Festival – BILBAO (E)
30th june – 12Uhr Open Space – Schaubude – BERLIN (D)
26th july 2018 – Finalist von dem Giesinger Kulturpreis, MÜNCHEN(D)
28th, 29th , 30th und 31th August 2018 – Festival Puppet Occupy Streets – CRAIOVA (R)
5th october 2018 – Festival Incanti – TURIN (I)
17th und 18th october – Hors lit 3 – MÜNCHEN (D)
4th november 2018 – Musenstall5 – WANNWEIL (D)
22th october 2019 – BAD Festival , BILBAO (E)
23th november 2019 – Bundestagugen von BuT e.V. – HALLE (D)
28th and 29th august 2020  – FITZ – STUTTGART
28th und 29th juli 2021 – Salon Parcours – WIEN (A)
22th october 2021 – Festival Hände Hoch – COTTBUS (D)
14th march 2022 – in frame of the den Shorties – FITZ STUTTGART (D)

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